Rona trade d.o.o.
Nova cesta 119
51410 Opatija
Contact details
OIB: 39217415068
Terms and conditions 1. Introductory notes With this terms and conditions it is regulate mutural relations between Rona Trade d.o.o (hereinafter RONA) in the name and for the account of the contractual landlord (in case of private lessors) and in its own name (in case of VAT paying individuals and companies) on the one side, and for the accomodation user (hereinafter the guest) on the other side, during the process of booking accomodation from the web page, RONA brochures and other promo materials. 2.Reservation In moment when reservation is done by guest (written or by e-mail) it becomes binding and all rights and obligations are regulated with this Terms and Conditions, apply to RONA and guest. Confirmation of reservation will be immediatly delivered to the guest by e-mail. In the event of reservation confirmation differing from requested reservation, by paying received reservation guest confirms that he/she accepts terms listed in the confirmation. RONA may without any obligation accept any kind of special demand or request, but the request is not legally binding for RONA and will be fulfilled only if RONA has issued a written confirmation. In the event of payment arrangements not being made according to Article 3.2, the reservation may be cancelled, with RONA having no obligation toward guest. 3.Prices and terms of payment 3.1 Prices Prices published on web page and other RONA promo materials are expressed in EUR (VAT included), and apply to the price of daily accomodation per accomodation unit in the corresponding price season. The published prices are vaid from the moment of refreshing data on the web page. In accordance with Article 3.5 about price change, the price valid at the moment of reservation is applied. If the facility contains several identical accomodation units with the same description and prices, in the facility's description the total number of such units will be listed, but only one of them will be described. It is not compulsory for special offers to apply to all accomodation units of the same type. Any additional services requested by the guest (eg. extra cleaning, bike hire etc.) are not included in the price and must be payed on the spot to the person in charge of the facility's keys, or to a RONA employee. Minimum stay lenght in seasons I and II is 3 nights, in seasons III and IV is 5 nights for all accommodaion units but one in Červar Porat. Minimum stay lenght in accomodation units in Červar Porat in seasons I and II is 3 nights, in seasons III is 4 nights and in seasons IV and V is 5 nights. For stay shorter than minimum accomodation unit price goes up 30 %. The day of arrival/departure is Saturday, unless otherwise specified. The accomodation prices (UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) include: usual consumption of electricity, heating in winter and air-con in summer, water consumpiton, gas consumption (if available), final cleaning, bedding, bath towels, tourist tax and registration cost. 3.2.Payment For legal entities: total reservation amount has to be paid no later than 14 days beore arrival date. For reservations made within 14 days before arrival date total reservation amount has to be paid no later than 3 days from reservation date. For reservations made in arrival week total amount has to be paid within 24 hrs. Preparation of R1 invoice has to be announced during reservation, otherwise it will not be issued. For individuals: total reservation amount has to be paid no later than 14 days beore arrival date. For reservations made within 14 days before arrival date total reservation amount has to be paid no later than 3 days from reservation date. For reservations made in arrival week total amount has to be paid within 24 hrs. In the case of non-compliance with payment deadlines reservation can be canceled. Acceptable payment method : • Credit card • Bank transfer 3.3. Reservation cancellation In the event of the guest cancelling the reservation, the following cancellation fees will be charged: - Up to 30 days before arrival day, 10% of total reservation amount - 29 to 22 days before arrival day, 30% of total reservation amount - 21 to 14 days before arrival day, 50% of total reservation amount - 14 to 1 day before arrival day or no show, 100% of total reservation amount The day when the cancellation notice has been received is considered the cancellation date (if it happens to be a holiday or Sunday, it will be the next working day). In the case of no-show or unnanounced delayed arrival, RONA keeps the total reservation amount. 3.4. Reservation change On the guest's request the reservation may be changed in terms of change of date, accomodation unit, accomodation type or names of persons. Any change made within 30 days before using the service will be charged 20 € (calculated in Kuna according to valid exchange rate on a day of reservatin change). 3.5. Price change When selecting our facilities, special attention is paid to service description and price calculation. However, despite this we are unable to exclude the possibility of price and service change. In the event of such changes, the guest will be notified when booking or, at the latest, upon receiving booking confirmation. The items written on the booking confirmation are final. It is unlikely that any changes will occur after the booking confirmation, but we cannot entirely exclude not even this possibility. In the event of any significant changes occurring, the guest has the right to cancel the reservation with no charges being made within 7 days of being notified. Payments already made will be refunded. RONA has right to change prices up to 22 days before arrival, due to increasement or introduction of fees or taxes on certain services, or due to significant changes in the rate of exchange after concluding the reservation. The guest also has right to cancel reservation in the event of a price increase of more than 10 %, under the same conditions listed in the previous article. 4. Accomodation from our offer RONA's accomodation offer consists of units owned by our contractual partners – owners on whose behalf and for whose account RONA sells capacities on the tourism market. 4.1. Maximum number of people The accomodation units from our offer may only be accomodated by the maximum number of people listed in the description of the reserved accomodation unit. The same applies to children, regardless of their age, with the exception of facilities allowing another child under the age of four free of charge. The guest is asked to mention this fact while booking. It is also forbidden to place tents or caravans on the land belonging to accomodation unit. In the event of exceeding the maximum number of people, or placing a tent or caravan on the accomodation's land, the owner may charge a fee per extra person, or remove the extra people from the estate, or demand the removal of the tent or caravan. If the guest ignores the request, everyone will be removed from the estate and no refund will be made. 4.2. Size of the facility Our associates have personally visited each facility in our offer. With listed facility sizes it is always about external dimensions, and consequently there's a possibility that the internal dimensions may be up to 15 % smaller than the ones listed. 4.3. Pets, bugs and allergies Despite thorough cleaning and maintenance of our facilities, occasionally a bug or mouse may be found who got there from their natural habitat where the house is located. RONA cannot be held responsible for this. Although pets aren't allowed in all facilities, this does not mean that there have never been any pets in the booked accomodation. RONA does not take any responsibility for the guest's allergic reactions in certain facilities. 4.4. Noise When selecting facilites from our our offer, we always make sure we select facilities located in good, safe and quiet areas. Despite this, we cannot guarantee that there will be no noise during the guest's stay, because we cannot affect or control things such as traffic noise, noises from nearby construction sites etc. Neither the owner nor RONA can be held responsible for noises coming from the facility's sorroundings. 4.5. Swimming pool In the event of the facility having a swimming pool, the guest is obligated for safety reasons to stick to every advice of the owner or RONA. Using the pool is exclusively at your own risk. Children can use the pool only with an adult present. 5. Features of the accomodation units In many facilites from our offer guests have many features at their availability such as a washing machine, dishwasher, fridges, microwaves, television sets, satellite receivers, internet access, jacuzzi etc. They can freely use these features, but RONA cannot be held responsible if one of these features unexpectedly stops working during the guest's stay. This also applies to sanitary facilities and installations. 6. Time of arrival and departure; shortening or extending your stay After setting the total reservation cost, at least 2 weeks before arrival travel documents will be delivered to the guest confirming that he/she is the legitimate user of the booked accomodation. These travel documents include a voucher, a description of the journey decribing the accurate route to the accomodation and accurate information about how to collect the accomodation's keys after presenting their confirmation of paying for the booking – the voucher. The guest is asked to pay attention to the confirmation letter sent to an active email adress of guest, while we will send an instrucion after total payment on how to collect the key via a keybox or how to enter our apartments which has a smart door lock. The pincode will only be sent once the payment has been done and once all guests are registered with the tourism board. Details from ID card or passport from all guests should need to be inserted via our guest portal. The time of arrival must be after 4 PM and time of departure is till 10 AM. Before or after that time, the pin code for the door or keybox will no longer be active. In the event of the guest wanting to extend their stay, or they have any questions or conserns during their stay they need to contact our call center Rona at the following number: +38551715728. 7. Ensuring replacement accomodation and reservation cancellation by RONA In exceptional cases due to unpredictable or unavoidable circumstances, RONA may give the guest appropriate replacement accomodation of equal value and quality. RONA is authorized to cancel the reservation before or during the period of the guest using the accomodation, if unpredictable or unavoidable circumstances occur preventing the acomodation's usage, endangering the guest or accomodation, or lessening the service's quality to the point of it being impossible to provide the contracted service. In this case the guest will be refunded for payments already made, lessend by the cost of already-used services. In any case RONA is not reqired to pay the guest compensation. 8. Other obligations of the guest During their stay, it is the guest's duty to use the accomodation owner's property and equipment with appropriate care. They must also adjust their behaviour as not to disturb the other guests, neighbours and host. In the event of the guest not adjusting their behaviour with the house rules even after being warned, they lose their right to the booked acomodation and must leave immediately without compensation. Any damages and deficiencies caused or discovered by the guests must immediately be reported to our call center: +38551715728. This way damages and deficiencies will immediately be removed without lessening the quality of stay. The guest is responsible for any damages or deficiencies they've cause if they cannot prove that they're not responsible. The same applies if the accomodation unit, due to damages, dirt or missing equipment cannot be submitted to the next guest for them to use. The owner will charge the guest on the spot for any damages or deficiencies. 9. Complaints and compensation claims It is the guest's obligation to conciously handle the unit and its inventory. On the day of departure the accomodation unit must be in the same condition as it was when the guest arrived. In the event of the accomodation's condition differing from its condition when booked, the guest must immediately notify our call center: +38551715728. If visible irregularities are not reported immediately after arriving, it will be thought that the unit was handed over in proper condition. If any irregularities occur during the guest's stay, it is their obligation to act in the same way. In the event of the owner or person in charge of the keys being unable to rectify the irregularity within a reasonable period, it is the guest's duty to inform their agent or RONA's employee. If the guest voluntarily leaves the facility or finds other accomodation without giving RONA time to resolve the issue causing the guest's dissatisfaction, the guest loses their right to receive compensation regardless of whether their reasons for departure were justified or not. The person in charge of the keys and the travel agent are not authorized to approve compensation requests. Compensation requests must be delivered to RONA or your travel agent in written form within two weeks after using the accomodation unit with proof included (pictures, confirmation from the person in charge of the keys/travel agent, witness statements etc.). Complaints made after the two-week deadline will not be taken into consideration. We emphasize that it is in the guest's interest to act in good faith and show willingness to resolve their complaint during their stay and to give their written complaint to the owner on the spot, and request written confirmation that the complaint has been received. If the guest does not meet these requirements, they lose their right to receive compensation. RONA is obligated to deliver a written decision regarding the complaint within 21 days of receiving the complaint in the same form (e-mail, ordinary mail, or personal delivery which will be replied by registered post with a return receipt). If it is neccessary in order to gather information and verify the claims in the complaint, RONA may postpone the decision deadline for another 14 days, of which it is obligated to inform the guest making the complaint in written form. RONA will resolve only those complaints for which the guest provides evidence that they gave their written complaint to the service provider on the spot and that the cause could not be eliminated on the spot. Until RONA reaches a decision, the guest must refrain from mediation by any other person, judicial institution or giving information to the media. 10. RONA's obligations RONA agrees to, on their behalf, ie on the behalf of the person in charge of the keys or local agent, give the guest for the booked period a clean and tidy accomodation unit equipped according to its description. If the unit does not match the description on the reservation, RONA will do everything to ensure the removal of any deficiencies, ie to ensure replacement accomodation of equal value. In the event of this being impossible, not being acchieved in a reasonable period, or if the guest refuses the suggested replacement accomodation, RONA will reimburse the guest any form of value reduction, as long as it has been undeniably established that RONA is responsible for it. If the guest experiences loss or damage due to RONA 's negligence, resulting in violation of the contract, RONA accepts full responsibility for the caused damage. RONA's legal responsibility is limited to the amount of the accomodation's price (during which everyone's claims are paid together) and does not include personal damages such as material and financial losses. RONA wil not be responsible in the event of the losses or damages being attributed to the following causes: - Actions or omissions made by the guest or their companions; - Unpredictable or inevitable failures of third parties not included in providing the service listed in the booking; - A higher force or events which could not be foreseen or avoided by RONA, the travel agent or the person in charge of the keys; - Using swimming pools, children's playgrounds, any sports' facilites (eg. a tennis court or football field, fitness centres etc.). Use of these facilities is exclusively at the guest's own risk; - Damages and losses due to burglary. The above listed causes equally apply outside the contractual obligations. RONA specifically rules out responsibility for the actions of the auxiliary staff. 11. Travel documents When travelling to the Republic of Croatia, the guest must have a valid personal travel document (a passport or identification card, depending on the guest's country of origin) not only for themselves, but for any other users of the accomodation. Furthermore, it is the guest's duty to check whether visa is required to enter Croatia or any countries on their way, obtain one on time, as well as respect the customs and currency regulations of the Republic of Croatia and any countries on their way. 12. The jurisdiction of the court The parties commit to seek to resolve any disputes by mutual agreement, and if this is not possible, in the event of a legal dispute the court in Pazin has jurisdiction and the law of the Republic of Croatia is applied. 13. Privacy policy RONA is obliged to permanently protect personal informations of it’s guests and that those informations will be used only for booking purposes (offers, invoices) and other neccesary communication with guest. Guest’s personal data will not be forwarded to unauthorized persons. For protection of personal information guest itself is also responsable in way to take care of his own user name and password by using appropriate computer equipment and antivirus computer protection. 14. Other Landlord of accomodation units in prívate ownership is Rona Trade d.o.o., Nova cesta 119, HR-51410 Opatija, OIB: 39217415068, ID-CODE: HR-AB-51-040054456 Tel. +385/51/715 728 Fax. +385/51/272 307, e-mail [email protected], while other landlords of accomodation units which are not in RONA’s ownership, RONA represent upon Representation contract in their name and for their account.